Supervisory Board

In 2023 the Supervisory Board consists of six members. At the AGM of 13 April 2023, Erwin Wunnekink was reappointed. The composition of the Supervisory Board is currently as follows:

Jan van Nieuwenhuizen - Chairman

Jan van Nieuwenhuizen

(1961, Dutch nationality)
A member of the Supervisory Board since 2021 and eligible for reappointment in 2025. His extensive international management experience includes being a member of the board of Rabobank Group as well as holding management positions at JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley and NIBC. In 2022, he was appointed chairman of the supervisory board of Wealth Management Partners, an asset manager in Amstelveen. In 2023 he has been appointed as chairman of the supervisory board of Basic-Fit in Hoofddorp and as member of the supervisory board of CED in Alphen aan de Rijn. Additionally, he joined the supervisory board of the Hartstichting in 2023.  Jan van Nieuwenhuizen is also a member of the audit committee at Leids Universiteitsfonds. In the past he has been a member of various supervisory boards, including at FGH Bank and Bouwfonds Property Development.

Mr van Nieuwenhuizen held no shares or depositary receipts for shares in ForFarmers N.V. on 31 December 2022.

Erwin Wunnekink - Vice Chair

Erwin Wunnekink

(1970, Dutch nationality)
Erwin Wunnekink has been a member of the Supervisory Board since 2015 and was reappointed in 2023 until 2027. He is a dairy farmer and has been chairman of the dairy farming division of the Netherlands Agricultural and Horticultural Association (LTO Nederland) since March 2022. He was a member of the Supervisory Board of Royal FrieslandCampina N.V. and a member of the board of Zuivelcoöperatie FrieslandCampina U.A. until 22 September 2021.

Mr Wunnekink holds no shares or depositary receipts for shares in ForFarmers N.V. and is a member of Coöperatie FromFarmers with no balance in a participation account issued by the Cooperative.

Marijke Folkers - in ‘t Hout

Marijke Folkers - In ‘t Hout

(1983, Dutch nationality)
Marijke Folkers – in ‘t Hout joined the Supervisory Board in 2022 on the recommendation of Coöperatie FromFarmers. The owner of agricultural, poultry and pig farming company Mevar Meeden and a former head of procurement at Nedmag Industries Mining and Manufacturing, she was nominated for appointment because of her experience in the agricultural sector, which she also gained as chairperson of the supervisory board of Coöperatie Koninklijke Avebe U.A.

Mrs Folkers - in 't Hout holds no shares or depositary receipts for shares in ForFarmers N.V. Through Mevar Meeden she holds a participation account issued by the Cooperative, that corresponds to 24,243 shares and can be converted into (depositary receipts for) ForFarmers N.V. shares.

Roger Gerritzen

Roger Gerritzen

(1972, Dutch nationality)
A member of the Supervisory Board since 2018 and reappointed until 2026 at the AGM of 14 April 2022, Roger Gerritzen has been a board member of the FromFarmers Cooperative since 2017. He is actively involved in his family’s agricultural business and is a partner at Yeald, a company operating in the horticultural sector. He has held various financial and organisational management positions at companies including Syngenta and Unilever and he was chairman of the board of Agro-Polen, a company active in arable and dairy farming in Poland.

Mr Gerritzen holds no shares or depositary receipts for shares in ForFarmers N.V. and is a member of Coöperatie FromFarmers with no balance in a participation account issued by the Cooperative.

Vincent Hulshof

Vincent Hulshof

(1962, Dutch nationality)
Vincent Hulshof has been a member of the Supervisory Board since 2014 and was reappointed in 2022 until 2026. He is pig farmer and a member of the board of Coöperatie FromFarmers, he was previously chairman of the supervisory board of KI Nederland, a board member of Coöperatie Topigs and a board member of Dutch regional pig farming group division of GLTO.

Mr Hulshof holds no shares or depositary receipts for shares in ForFarmers N.V. and as a member of Coöperatie FromFarmers U.A. has a balance in a participation account issued by the Cooperative that corresponds to 8,640 shares which can be converted into shares or depositary receipts for shares in ForFarmers N.V.

Annemieke den Otter

Annemieke den Otter

(1979, Dutch nationality)
A member of the Supervisory Board since 2020 and eligible for reappointment in 2024, Annemieke den Otter has been CFO at Renewi since June 2022. Prior to that she held the position of CFO at ERIKS N.V. During her career she has fulfilled financial roles at companies including Royal VolkerWessels Stevin, Macquarie Capital Advisors in the United Kingdom and ING.

Mrs den Otter holds no shares or depositary receipts for shares in ForFarmers N.V.