Nomination of a new member of the supervisory board and expansion of ForFarmers B.V.’s statutory board

4 July 2014

The FromFarmers Cooperative has, as a priority shareholder, proposed to appoint Vincent Hulshof (51 years) as member of the supervisory board  of ForFarmers B.V. Mr Hulshof’s appointment will take the option which came available due to the resignation of Mr Hajé Nordbeck’s earlier this year. Mr Hulshof is internationally active in pig farming and pig breeding.He holds a variety of managerial positions within the pig sector, including as member of the Pigture Group’s supervisory board.

ForFarmers B.V.’s supervisory board has accepted this recommendation and would like to propose the appointment of Mr Hulshof by the shareholders.

The supervisory board also wants to expand ForFarmers B.V.’s statutory board, which currently consists of Yoram Knoop (CEO), with an additional two members. Messrs Jan Potijk (COO, responsible for the ForFarmers activities in the Netherlands) and Arnout Traas (CFO), who already form part of the current ForFarmers board will be nominated for this purpose. The aim of this expansion is to further secure continuity in the organisation’s decision making process.

The above nominations will be presented for approval at the General Meeting (GM), to be held on 17th September 2014 in Hotel Café Restaurant Witkamp in Laren (Gelderland). The agenda and explanatory agenda notes for the GM will be available on from 27th August 2014.