13 February 2015
The FromFarmers Cooperative has, as a priority shareholder, proposed to appoint Mr W.M. Wunnekink (44 years) as commissioner of ForFarmers B.V. Mr Wunnekink’s appointment will fill the vacancy which has been created as a result of Mr J. Markink’s resignation with effect from 17th April 2015. Mr Wunnekink is active in dairy farming and is a member of, amongst others, the FrieslandCampina N.V. Supervisory Board.
ForFarmers B.V.’s supervisory board has accepted this recommendation and would like to present Mr Wunnekink for appointment during the General ForFarmers B.V. Meeting, to be held on 17th April 2015 in Hotel Café Restaurant Witkamp in Laren (Gelderland).
The agenda and explanatory agenda notes for the General Meeting will be available on www.forfarmers.eu from 25th March 2015.