
Feed resources

Growing feed materials has an impact on the environment. To grow for example wheat or soy that we use as resources for our feeds, water, land and energy is needed. The environmental burden associated with the production of feed materials is a very topical social issue. The theme is also very important to our stakeholders. Think of land use in relation to the cultivation of raw materials, especially soy and palm oil. ForFarmers makes extensive use of co-products and by-products from the food, drink and biofuel sectors and is dedicated to the sourcing of sustainably produced raw materials, specifically soybean meal and palm oil and reports progress in our Annual Report.

ForFarmers’ role in Going Circular in Feed resources

  • Responsible sourcing 
  • Transparent sourcing 
  • Optimised use of co-products, forage, novel proteins and non-human edible feed materials
Afbeelding: Grain field blue sky_Graanveld blauwe lucht_shutterstock_500913646

What do we mean with Feed resources?

Source responsibly, transparently and maximising the use of non-food materials is what we mean with feed resources, one of the three central themes of Going Circular. 

With non-food materials we refer to materials that cannot be used for human consumption, for example crop residues, by-products and grass. If not consumed by livestock, crop residues and by-products could quickly become an environmental burden as the human population grows and consumes more and more processed food (Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations). Animals have a key role to play as they can transform these co-products into high value proteins.

What we are currently doing

Our activities in Going Circular focus on: