Feed Solutions

Feed solutions

As a feed producer, ForFarmers is very aware of its impact on the environment. Minimising the impact we have on the environment is an essential element of Going Circular, based on the principles of circular economy. For our industry this means amongst others supporting biodiversity and reducing emissions such as greenhouse gases and nitrogen and phosphorous. 

ForFarmers is able to influence these emissions in its own operations (production and transport), in its raw material supply chain and by helping our farmer customers reduce their own environmental impact through products and advice. The challenge is that implicitly trade-offs have to be made between the different elements of sustainability, emissions in scope 1, 2 or 3.

ForFarmers’ role in Going Circular in Feed solutions

  • Optimise efficiency in total animal chain (e.g. improving longevity)
  • Reduce emissions on farm
  • Better utilisation of manure
  • Protect soil health and biodiversity
Afbeelding: Cows in cloudy weather_Koeien bewolkte lucht_1521037094

What do we mean with Feed solutions?

A balanced use of resources in the total animal chain (i.e. from sourcing raw materials right through to meat, dairy and eggs) is what we mean with Feed solutions, one of the three central themes of Going Circular. 

A good example is to improve longevity of dairy cows via sound nutrition and feeding advice. By improving the longevity of cows, fewer replacements are needed.  This is positive in terms of both animal welfare and lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

What we are currently doing

We contribute as much as we can to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the supply chain and on-farm in several ways. Firstly by supplying feed solutions that help farmers to improve efficiency and therefore reduce their own emissions. In addition, we work together in multiple projects and partners to optimise the efficiency in the total animal supply chain.

Reducing emissions on farm
Balancing between the themes