Feed Solutions

Reducing emissions on farm

Measuring emissions in the chain, developing feed solutions that reduce emissions on farm and partnerships throughout the chain are all part of the Feed solutions theme of Going Circular. 

Measuring emissions in the chain

Measuring our greenhouse gas emissions and that of the sector, specifically in the supply of raw materials, in our inbound chain and through feed consumption on the farm, is a challenge. The problem lies mainly in measuring in a comparable and consistent way. Without reliable data, it is difficult to monitor progress. ForFarmers is actively working as a pioneer in the sector to take steps in this direction. We are involved in European and international initiatives aimed at developing a harmonised methodology for calculating the environmental impact of feed production delivered to livestock farmers. 

Using systems to monitor phosphate emissions is an example of how we are working to improve the environmental impact of the sector. The willingness of both politicians and livestock farmers to agree improvement plans, as well as that of consumers to contribute to the additional costs, are crucial in this respect.

Afbeelding: NL-pluimvee-header

How we reduce emissions on farm level

In order to help livestock farmers lower their carbon footprint we deliver our Total Feed solutions, such as optimally sustainable feed concepts combined with advice. This includes optimising feed conversion, meaning more production with less feed (and hence less use of scarce raw materials). We are also involved in the KringloopWijzer programme. 

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Working together, For the Future of Farming

ForFarmers is partner in multiple programmes and projects that contribute to a balanced use of resources in the total animal chain. Some examples of our involvement: 

  • Deltaplan Biodiversiteitsherstel, translated as Delta plan for recovery of biodiversity
  • Projects to improve utilisation of manure, like Kunstmestvrije Achterhoek, translated as Fertilizer-free Achterhoek, Vruchtbare Kringloop Achterhoek, translated as Fertile Cycle Achterhoek and Mineral Valley Twente
  • Partnerships with chain partners in developing feed concepts
  • ForFarmers is a participant in the KringloopWijzer programme. This nutrient management system helps dairy farmers in the Netherlands to monitor the use of phosphate, nitrogen and carbon on their farms. 
  • UK Feed Adviser Register, set up by AIC and the feed sector in response to the Governments’ commitment and industry and customer demands to reduce emissions from farmed livestock.